stay rippie


Remote actiuated rolling gate with custom desert scene detail.

Desert scene detail.

Rando’ Bags, all hand made in Tucson.

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Custom floral detail.

Layout on shade structure.

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Human entry gate with custom floral detail.


Hand forged number.

Small details.


Stainless steel saguaro detail.

Shade Structure featuring AG paneling roofing.

Custom made parts for a vintage firetruck restoration.

Custom frame-bag, for Donovan Rice.

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Panel sample.

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Stainless Steel saguaro sculpture. Now lives at the bottom of the sea off the coast of Florida in an underwater scuba-diving art museum. WOW.

Tiny pieces.

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Hand forged.

Finishing details, Monsoon Chocolate factory.

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Hand sewn.

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On-site Trellis fabricating.

Structural build-up.

Custom planter box, wrapping up installation.

Teardrop handlebar bag. Hand made in Tucson.

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Shade structure skeleton.

Bench with integrated cubbies for storage built for Rocks & Ropes, Tucson.

Bench with integrated cubbies for storage built for Rocks & Ropes, Tucson.

Steel seam detail.

Steel Vega post installation.

Steel Vega post installation.

Laying down on the job. AG paneling final installation.

Custom frame bag.

Processing holes.

Banana for scale.